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Leading During Times of Uncertainty

Our most recent Brazil trip was cut short due to the Coronavirus. This resulted in postponing the April local leadership training workshop. Despite the setbacks, we had a successful trip. Details will follow in a later email. DreamRoot’s leadership cohort and one-on-one coaching sessions with local leaders of social projects is continuing. The cohort has been a lifeline during these turbulent times when the lower income communities are often hit the hardest.

In the midst of this turbulent season, I am reflecting on what leadership looks like in times of uncertainty and challenges. Having just spent a month in communities faced with poverty, violence, and hopelessness, I had the opportunity to walk with individuals who are intimately familiar with loss, grief, vulnerability and uncertainty. We can learn a lot from the beautiful people that DreamRoot serves. There is a humbleness so many of them carry and a gratitude for the little things. Instead of trying to control the external circumstances, they call on inner strength for a solid and steady walk out rather than giving up. While their lives may look vastly different from our own, the human condition is the same. We have an incredible ability to rise up and tap into a creative brilliance that can lead to our brightest hour. When our backs are against the wall, we need to dig deep within ourselves and link arms with each other. This is the time to embrace our interconnectedness and commonality.

Take the time you need for self-care and to process this current reality. Then step out in action to love and help others. Reach out to those around you to see who needs help. Ask for help yourself if you need it. It is important that we not allow the darkness of fear and anxiety to overtake our thoughts and actions. We must rise to our greatness as individuals and as a collective society. It takes incredible courage for us to be compassionate. May we look beyond this crisis to lead with courage and treat others with compassion and love.

We are living in unprecedented times. This is an immense opportunity to examine our priorities by asking the questions, “Who do we want to become?” and “What kind of life do we want to lead?” Times of crises are opportunities to be present and lead well. We have an opportunity to build a different tomorrow.


Amy Passos

Executive Director, DreamRoot Leadership Institute


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